I have something to do with the ocean. Like it gave me a mission. I’m recruiting mammals by example to the Way of the Whale… It’s a religious movement to walk backward. A kind of rebellious mom tattoo. It’s how all the geologies praise, through their rocks. For evolution to work, we’ll have to trust the process. The worm failed to survive us cutting them in half, but still they go on believing. And every stranger looks believable as a peach pit, a portal to life. I don’t know if they care to shake hands in the dark, but I embrace the unknown and I go for it. My duty is not understanding. Breathe in. Benzene. Even when it hurts. Give information to the people who didn’t have it. Open your mouth to help us unscrew the bulb. That’s what the Way of the Whale is all about. Using the body for something new and regressive. The body is the temple, the temple is a multipurpose room, it’s where we grow our baleens undercover. It’s called worship. Rehearsing our humpback theme. 501(c)3. Selling a shitty hard candy for 99 cents. I do things, because I want to seem helpful, like a breath mint. But I’m more like a horseradish, calculating my next move from below the surface. Or am I really a whale, linked to water whether I
like it
or not
breaching to express my personality?