spume #1

How does it feel to inspire us all. The sky is stupid and boring.

The rocks are full of wisdom. Small business is saving the world. 

Mayo, the highest fruit of emulsion. Niacin Solutions catered the war. 

Deaf people love their languages. No man in Eastern Europe is the same.

They require discrete ministries, statues, mythologies. Brotherhood of herpes, 

receivers of Amber Alerts, our nation is a nation of concrete: how it expands! 

Free radicals in a square dance to make things whole again. We ache across the planes

as beams of light. You act in pharmaceutical ads, water capsules of foam. 

And if I had the infrastructure, I would braid the threads of every carpet. 

I would bury all the dead batteries. I am so sincere it’s creepy. Flash mob 

of bureaucracy. We revolutionized the field of sports medicine 

by banning sports. Teaching is also learning. We gave the people Earth Day 

but kept the earth. A ream is 500 (formerly 480) sheets of paper. 

I’m not like the other girls; my name is Ignatius.

New developments get all over the floor. And you sit across the table

believing in yourself. You’ll move to Oklahoma 

for work in a kayfabe pioneer village

selling salty ice cream and molasses. I’ll mind my business. My business

is in the organ ranks.