I know God is a gerbil.
He told me as much on AM radio.
He sits in His cage a few hours each day
to get a feel for this domestication thing.
I always wanted a dad who could sympathize with my lifestyle choices.
I know mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
and intellectuals water the leaves
not the roots. Walls went up in Kingdom Plantae
500 million years ago; Animalia took a more
amorphous approach, installed Customs
and Border Patrol.
I know what it means to love.
It is quite like a shadow puppet dove.
I use my phalanges to reduce the radiation.
I know all cops are bastards. I know
because I fucked all their mothers.
Then dematerialized into the night. I deny
800,000 paternity claims.
I know left from right.
It’s relative, but only in some cases.
I know my rights and I’m not afraid
to use them! In the name of peace, I assemblé
upon the streets. On first dates I plead
the fifth. Ask what I saw that fiendish
dawn on Ink Blot Bog and I remain
an eerie silence.
I know the nine circles of hell
I know each floor level in nirvana.
I know I’m headed for all of them!
I know everything
is everything else, too. The rock is the water
is the sky
is I. But plethora overwhelms. It’s a lot to digest
in my gizzard. I think I want to go home.